Welcome to Anglia Models!

Welcome to Anglia Models!

Robert Lane

Welcome, one and all, to Anglia Models - a new webstore that brings you the finest model kits in the world... differently.

Tired of typing what you want in a store's search engine, and getting every result under the sun except what you really wanted?

Just want to browse for a particular type or scale of model, but find all those filters fiddly and unnecessary?

Fancy building something with markings for the Royal Air Force, or the German Army, or the Soviet Navy?

Then Anglia Models is for you!

Dedicated Pages

Personally speaking, when I fancy a new model kit (and I'm not just going for a new release), I'm a little bewildered by most websites out there, especially when I type "Spitfire" into a search function and I get every single kit that even slightly mentions the word Spitfire in its information, as well as all the various accessories and decals. Type in a brand name and you get a ridiculous amount of results jumbled into whatever order the site feels like, too.

Search functions are fine if you know exactly what you're looking for, down to the SKU, but most of the time they're slow, bewildering, and very time-consuming if you're just browsing. So instead of everything being driven by the search function, we decided to create individual pages for everything - a page for each brand, for each scale and so forth - but we're also adding pages dedicated to each nation's service as well as the type of model you'd like.

A Page for each Service

For example, the Royal Air Force have a dedicated page that shows every single kit (from the brands we sell) with markings for that service; so you won't just get an endless stream of Spitfires, you'll get Mustangs with RAF decals, or Kittyhawks, or Lightning IIs.

The dedicated Royal Air Force page

A Page for each Type

Fancy building an armoured car? We've got an armoured car page for that - as well as pages for fighter aircraft, or submarines, or military trucks, or civilian cars!

The dedicated military trucks page

You can still search for things traditionally, of course, using the search function at the top; but ours has a slight difference. Type the word "spitfire" into our search function and you'll see a nice little result at the top which takes you to the dedicated Spitfire page. Same with tanks, or cars, or the Royal Air Force.

Type in Spitfire into our search function! If there's a page for what you search for, the page result will be at the top.

You see, we've gone even further than having pages for types, services and brands.

A Page for each Vehicle

The ubiquitous Spitfire has a dedicated page all of its own. As does the M4 Sherman. As does the Leopard 2. As will everything, eventually, but please bear with us here - it takes a little while to build these pages, so we've started with the usual suspects in terms of service, type and vehicle. We'll get on to the Vickers Wellesley, the Royal Thai Air Force and Type XVIIC submarines at some point, have no fear!

Now all of these pages, you'll note, show the new releases for that particular subject; and you'll usually find some tabs underneath...


A popular pastime for British soldiers, maybe, but for us at Anglia we're tabbing to organise pages better. When there's literally thousands of fighter aircraft to choose from, or thousands of kits offered by a particular brand, you want to narrow it down a bit, don't you?

Tabs are a handy way to switch between various categories of kits. For brand pages, we've split things into type tabs, showing all the figures, artillery, armoured vehicles, and so forth; and then, when you switch to that tab, you'll see lots of different collections (usually based on scales) to narrow things down even further.

The scale pages have tabs for each era

For types and scales, we've broken things down by era - so a tab for World War I, the interwar period, World War II, and so forth.

For individual vehicles, we've split them into scales, brands, variants and services.

We think that the way these pages work means it will be a joy for you to browse all the thousands of model kits we offer!

I See Markings

Over and above everything else, something that always frustrates us with model kits is identifying the decals within them easily. Usually you have to go to various websites, perhaps the maker's website or forums or scalemates, but with Anglia Models you can see at a glance what service the decals included in that kit are for - either as country flags (military vehicles), roundels (air forces) or ensigns (for navies). As well as being really attractive to look at on a page, it gives you instant recognition of the service you'd like your kit to be for - and if you're not sure, just hover the pointer over a marking and it will tell you what service it's for.

Can you work out which services are represented by the markings... without hovering?

Obviously, these are just the decals included within the kit itself; as time goes on we'll be adding decal sets from various manufacturers - and linking those with the right model variants! - to give you more choice than ever before.

The Future is Anglian...

Strap in, Anglians - there's lots to come. Over the course of the coming months we'll be adding more and more pages, so that the major countries at least have a page for their service (and likely for the vehicles they manufacture), the most important vehicles have a page of their own, all the major types are covered, and so on. We'll get to everything eventually.

We'll be adding more brands as time goes on, too, so you'll be assured of finding almost everything you'd like in one place, including more hobby products such as AK Interactive, Gunze Sangyo and so forth.

On the subject of hobby stuff, we're very, very keen to ensure that the paints required for each kit (based on the manufacturers' recommendations) will also be shown on their product page, but that is very data-driven and very, very time-consuming - so again, please bear with us on that.

The future is Anglian!





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