This boxed set contains:
- 1 x SMS Szent István 1/350 scale tegetthoff-class dreadnought

Austro-Hungarian Navy
SMS Szent István in 1912 started service in July 1914, is the world's first triple piggyback a gun of dreadnoughts. Turrets and guns are from the well-known Skoda arsenal, which is equipped with a 305 mm main gun loaded triple, a range of 20km. Auxiliary guns Skoda also produced 150 mm cannon mounted on the side of the cabin deck gun inside layer profile.
No use of SMS Szent István was rare flat deck design, the ship is crude fat, host power 27,000 horsepower, speed is about 20.4.
During World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, due to the geographical limitations of the Adriatic sea where Szent István can only be docked in the harbor. June 30, 1918, at Szent István and her sister ship set sail in order to break the blockade and the Italian Navy torpedo boat was sunk.
This boxed set contains:
1*SMS Szent István 1/350 scale tegetthoff-class dreadnought
SMS Szent István in 1912 started service in July 1914, is the world's first triple piggyback a gun of dreadnoughts. Turrets and guns are from the well-known Skoda arsenal, which is equipped with a 305 mm main gun loaded triple, a range of 20km. Auxiliary guns Skoda also produced 150 mm cannon mounted on the side of the cabin deck gun inside layer profile.
No use of SMS Szent István was rare flat deck design, the ship is crude fat, host power 27,000 horsepower, speed is about 20.4.
During World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, due to the geographical limitations of the Adriatic sea where Szent István can only be docked in the harbor. June 30, 1918, at Szent István and her sister ship set sail in order to break the blockade and the Italian Navy torpedo boat was sunk.